How to Donate

Your gift will enable our community's spirit to grow and prosper!

As a business or individual, you have two options for making tax-deductible donations to the Foundation: either General or Restricted.

General donations fund grant requests the Foundation receives from local community groups.

If you or your organization has a specific purpose in mind, you may designate your gift as Restricted for a particular group or program.

You choose how you wish to make your contribution. You will receive a confirmation letter and receipt of your donation. 

Donate online through Paypal:


Mail your donation form to:
Tomahawk STAR Foundation
PO Box 402, Tomahawk, WI 54487

OR drop off donation at the Chamber:
208 N 4th St, Tomahawk, WI 54487

Help us give back to our community. Your contribution is tax deductible!