The Tomahawk STAR Foundation is an all-volunteer organization.
Terms are 3 years and expire August 31st.
Jackie Leonhard, President 2021-2024Mike Milligan, Vice President 2023-2025Kathy Rankin, Secretary 2021-2023PJ Childers, Treasurer 2022-2024Kay Kissinger-Wolf 2020-2023Gregg Albert 2020-2023Kelley Milcarek 2020-2023Jessie Stromberg 2020-2023Keri Kelley 2023-2025Melody Chambers 2023-2025
Jackie Leonhard, PresidentMike Milligan, Vice PresidentPJ Childers, TreasurerKathy Rankin, Secretary
Kay Kissinger-WolfJackie LeonhardKathy RankinPJ Childers
Kathy RankinKay Kissinger-WolfKeri KelleyGregg Albert
Kay Kissinger-WolfBonnie KahnKelley Embree